The company normally prepares the instructions from the customer's existing manual for the desired language, Finnish or English. But the manual is often planned from scratch using text, pictures and graphics supplied by the customer. The development and production utilises special computer editing software. Great emphasis is placed on coordination between text and images which makes the instruction clear and functional.
The requirements of EU-directives have increased the demand on proper documentation, and the manufacturers must today deliver their equipment with manuals that meet those requirements. This is especially true concerning CE-certified equipment for which i.e. safety instructions must be in the user's language
Many manufacturing companies do not have the latest information about the documentation requirements, especially for electric, pneumatic and hydraulic systems. Manuaali Kb can assist as consultant to ensure that the documentation meets all required standards.
Manuaali Ky also translates technical text. Assistance is often called for from translators for special languages or draftsmen.
The main languages are Finnish, English, Swedish and German.
- Finnish
- English
- Swedish
- German
- Estonian
- Russian
Other language pairs available through the partner network.
- Company: KR-Manuaali Ky
- Address: Sytkorventie 24
23800 Laitila - Phone +358400 292291
- E-mail: info(at)